
Funeral preplanning is an option more and more people are choosing, either for themselves, or for loved ones in their care.

Why Preplan?
There are many different reasons for preplanning. Many people wish to save their families and friends the extra burden of making decisions during what is already a very emotional and challenging time. Others may see it as an opportunity to provide and care for loved ones, much as they do in other areas of their lives. A preplanned funeral ensures that the wishes of the departed are taken into consideration.

Preplanning one’s funeral does not necessitate pre-paying, although of course, there are sound practical reasons for doing so. A pre-paid funeral relieves the bereaved of the financial burden, but also, guarantees the final costs. It isn’t difficult to see why so many people are choosing this option, as a final and loving gesture to their families and loved ones…

Begin the preplanning process:

Contact us at (778) 433-9344

Email us at to arrange a meeting with one of our staff.